Timeline of Victories

Between 1999 and 2004

Our groundbreaking Family Care, Not Foster Care! campaign resulted in greater recognition for caregivers in Los Angeles County, led to improvements in the County’s hotline and kinship center for relative caregivers, and eventually led to South LA’s first kinship center combining direct services and leadership development for relative caregivers.


Relative caregivers partnered with then-Assemblymember Karen Bass to conduct legislative visits in Sacramento and secure $82 million in funding for foster care reform - with $36 million dedicated to kinship support statewide.


Relative caregivers advocacy’ results in an additional $2 million for South LA in Prop 63 Mental Health Services Act funding for wellness programming and treatment services


Kinship members’ efforts secure assurances from DCFS Director Philip Browning to move LA County’s Kinship Resource Center to South LA - where the majority of the region’s caregivers live.


Community Coalition’s is awarded one of seven Federal Kinship Navigator Grants to pilot a model which combines education and resource navigation services, group therapy, and leadership development for relative caregivers. The IRB approved program is generating data on family well-being and family needs for kinship families in South LA resulting in one of the most rigorous studies conducted with caregivers in the local region.


Caregivers mobilized and testified to Los Angeles County’s Blue Ribbon Commission for Child Protection and won key recommendations included in the final approved overhaul of LA County’s child welfare system